La Bensaudiere

La généalogie Bensaude a besoin de vous !

October 28th, 2005

Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, allez jeter un coup d’oeil à la base de données généalogiques de la famille : je suis certain que vous n’en ressortirez pas sans avoir appris quelque chose. Je ne suis pas moins certain que vous pourriez aussi nous apprendre quelque chose : chacun d’entre nous a sa brique à apporter à l’édifice. Si il s’agit d’un ajout ponctuel ou d’une correction mineure transmettez-moi votre contribution. Mais si vous vous sentez plus ambitieux n’hésitez pas à me demander l’accès en écriture à la base de données. Avec un identifiant et un mot de passe vous serez alors libre de compléter les branches qui vous passionnent. L’outil est très intuitif et sa puissance vous surprendra. J’attends avec impatience de nouveaux collaborateurs !

Manette’s Astruc tree is online

October 27th, 2005

Always intriguing me whenever I come to visit Manette, the Astruc family genealogy, after Joseph Télèphe and Elie Aristide Astruc in 1875 is now online. Drawn by Roger and David Kohn and finished on the first of January 1924, it is a very impressive piece of work. I thought the information it contains would certainly be useful to genealogists and other researchers. This whole tree is in the process of being digitized as part of the Bensaude genealogy. This is a hell of a data entry job, but it is two-thirds complete as of now.

The astute reader will certainly have noticed that the picture adorning the top of this page is a piece of that magnificient tree.

Welcome to the Bensaude news outlet !

October 27th, 2005

The one true Bensaudière is published every year at Christmas time and that is good. But what about the rest of the year ? You can now enjoy the online Bensaudière : all Bensaude news, all the time ! This blog is in no way competing with the paper edition, it is a way to complete it with a permanent publishing outlet – the paper edition may even draw on articles first published here.

If you know what the Bensaudière is or if you are a descendant of Jose Bensaude or married to one, then you probably belong here… Your articles will be welcome, so go ahead and create an account so that you can publish them here. Weddings, births, birthdays, the latest progress with your children, Bensaude meet-ups, Bensaude pictures… Anything Bensaude related is on-topic so feel free to express yourself: this blog is yours !

And if you have not yet had the inspiration for an article, please do register so that you can post comments to articles.

The default language is English, but with respect to the international nature of our family, posts in other languages are welcome, especially French and Portuguese.

See you soon… Watch this space !

Send comments, suggestions, criticism, money and death threats to Jean-Marc Liotier.